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Sprężyny talerzowe do zastosowań krytycznych, typ A (powiększone) EN 16983 A Stal acc. to EN 16983 Fosfatowane

Numer artykułu
Marka Fabory
Materiał Stal
Materiał techniczny acc. to EN 16983
Obróbka powierzchni Fosfatowane
  • Warning: electroplating of these products may cause hydrogen embrittlement.
    • F = spring load in Newton at a deflection s ≈ 0,75 h0 (h0 = l0 - t).
    • The values specified for t are nominal values. In the case of springs with 6 ˂ t ≤ 14 the desired spring load F is to be obtained by reducing the thickness of single disc springs t to the values between brackets.
    • Refer to EN 16984 for calculation of disc springs.
    • Extensive technical data available on request.


Marka Fabory
Materiał Stal
Materiał techniczny acc. to EN 16983
Obróbka powierzchni Fosfatowane
  • Warning: electroplating of these products may cause hydrogen embrittlement.
    • F = spring load in Newton at a deflection s ≈ 0,75 h0 (h0 = l0 - t).
    • The values specified for t are nominal values. In the case of springs with 6 ˂ t ≤ 14 the desired spring load F is to be obtained by reducing the thickness of single disc springs t to the values between brackets.
    • Refer to EN 16984 for calculation of disc springs.
    • Extensive technical data available on request.


EN 16983-A
DIN 2093-A

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