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Nakrętki sześciokątne DIN 934 Stal nierdzewna 1.4539

Numer artykułu
Marka Fabory
Gniazdo Hexagon
Materiał Stal nierdzewna
Materiał techniczny 1.4539
Gwint Metryczny
  • Stainless steel 1.4539 provides good corrosion resistance to non-oxidizing acids such as e.g. sulfuric acid under reducing conditions.
  • This type of stainless steel is mainly used in the chemical industry.
  • Due to its low carbon content, it is generally applicable after welding without thermal after-treatment.


Marka Fabory
Gniazdo Hexagon
Materiał Stal nierdzewna
Materiał techniczny 1.4539
Gwint Metryczny
  • Stainless steel 1.4539 provides good corrosion resistance to non-oxidizing acids such as e.g. sulfuric acid under reducing conditions.
  • This type of stainless steel is mainly used in the chemical industry.
  • Due to its low carbon content, it is generally applicable after welding without thermal after-treatment.


DIN 934
NEN 1560
NF E25-401

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