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The Power of Engineering

Fastening technology experts

Monday morning, the day starts with a call from a customer. “During the installation of a critical bolt in a braking system, we see it is about to break. At the moment, high-speed trains run with these bolts in the same braking system. Those brakes could fail at any moment. This is an extreme emergency!”

The technical experts of the Quality & Engineering department at Fabory react immediately. Assessed for their mechanical properties in the customer's presence on the same day. Done in Fabory’s accredited laboratory. Examined are the tensile strength, the core hardness and decarburisation. All three are in order according to the requirements of ISO 898-1.


Error in mounting method

The test results show that the bolts meet the requirements. But the mounting method used should not overload. How could the bolt be about to break? Follow a few telephone conversations with the assembly line. A detail appears to have changed in the mounting method. So that the bolts do not vibrate loose, two drops of a thread locker are applied. A second simulation on the friction test bench shows the consequences of this. The combination of coating and the relevant thread-locking agent lowers the friction coefficient. As a result, they loaded the bolts far beyond the yield strength during installation. The bolt load is still below the breaking strength. Unfortunately, they are being constricted and deformed. The connection is no longer safe.

Lower tightening torque is then written into the assembly instructions. They also recalled the trainsets.


"When using fasteners such as bolts and nuts, quality and technology go hand in hand. In the first place, fasteners must meet the quality requirements. But sometimes things go wrong in the application."
Tim Koopman, Manager Engineering 


The interplay between quality and knowledge about connections 

The true story above, and its quick turnaround, ​​show the strength of the Quality & Engineering department. The power of the interplay between product quality and knowledge about connections. Our technical experts will help you determine the correct connection. And more: we help to expect a possible problem. 

Read the stories and find out more about how they work on connections for you every day. Read more here



Mistrzostwo w elementach złącznych

We provide our customers with the right advice, calculations and tests. Ensuring the right design and application. Including over 120,000 fasteners in every desired version, size and material type. This requires efficient stock management that you can rely on. Smart logistics solutions help with this. The Quality & Engineering department advises customers about the safest connection. This creates Peace of Mind for our customers. The employees in your company can continue to focus on the core tasks.


Fabory to właściwy wybór dla wszystkich Twoich potrzeb w zakresie elementów złącznych. Nasze portfolio, to szeroki asortyment standardowych elementów złącznych i indywidualnych, specyficznych dla klienta rozwiązań, uzupełniony o części typu C.

Fabory Logic

Fabory zapewnia dostępność elementów złącznych i części typu C. Innowacyjne rozwiązania zapewniają wgląd w zużycie materiałów, redukując całkowity koszt posiadania (TCO). Fabory Logic, to rozwiązania RFID, Optical-Eye, wagowe oraz wsparcie Merchandisera.

Jakość, inżynieria oraz badania i rozwój

Fabory bazuje na jakości i niezawodności. Dopracowane zarządzanie jakością i wyspecjalizowane systemy kontroli są podstawą naszej działalności. Nasi inżynierowie pomogą Ci we właściwym wyborze elementów złącznych dla konkretnego zastosowania.

Nie zamykaj tej strony. Ten komunikat zniknie, gdy strona zostanie w pełni załadowana.