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"At Fabory, we see suppliers as direct extension of our company. Our success is built on strong, successful relationships and the ability to build responsible and fair business practices across our supply chain based on close, long-term relationships with our customers, suppliers, and other business partners"

Supplier manual

The Fabory Supplier Manual helps you, as a supplier, meet the requirements for Fabory's incoming supply chain. The manual provides guidance for successful and professional delivery, as well as efficient communication and handling. This way, we jointly add value to our shared supply chains.

Fabory supplier manual

Purchase terms

Together with our suppliers, we deliver perfect operational performance and continuously improve our operations. This applies particularly to the high quality of the materials or services delivered, timely delivery, and the completeness and accuracy of documentation.

Purchasing terms and conditions

Code of conduct

At Fabory, we uphold high ethical and business conduct standards within our operations. We share these best practices with our business partners to exchange knowledge and experiences. We expect our suppliers to also consider the societal consequences of their production and services.

Code of conduct

Fabory warehouse with several logistical stands

Naša sila


Fabory je tou správnou voľbou pre vaše potreby v oblasti spojovacích materiálov. Naše produktové portfólio obsahuje široký sortiment spojovacích materiálov a zákaznícky špecifických riešení spojovacích materiálov pre rôzne aplikácie, doplnené C-dielmi.

Fabory Logic

Fabory pomáha pri dostupnosti spojovacích materiálov a C-dielov. Inovatívne panely poskytujú prehľad o spotrebe, čo vám umožní znížiť celkové náklady na vlastnenie materiálu. Fabory Logic vám ponúka služby RFID, Optical-Eye, Váhy a pomoc Merchandisera.

Kvalita, inžiniering a výskum a vývoj

Fabory si zakladá na kvalite a spoľahlivosti. Prepracované riadenie kvality a systémy kontroly kvality sú základom našej činnosti. Naši pracovníci sú vám k dispozícii, aby vám pomohli zabezpečiť správny výber spojovacieho materiálu pre danú aplikáciu.

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