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Complete range for producers and maintenance companies

In your daily operations, you want your employees to access the desired quantity of fasteners at any moment. After all, downtime of a machine or vehicle you produce or maintain within the agricultural construction sector costs time and money. With Fabory you can reduce the Total Cost of Ownership. Together, we optimise your logistics process. This way, you can work as efficiently as possible, supported by our digital solutions.

Your dedicated contact at Fabory needs only half a word. Tell your contact which fastening materials should not be missing from your stock cabinets.


Optimal inventory level and insight

A large portion of companies in machinery manufacturing, construction, and maintenance for the agricultural sector maintain a stable level. Saving costs remains a point of focus. While you don't want too much inventory in your warehouse, you want a sufficient supply of fasteners available at all times. A fact that is inherently connected with companies in seasonal production. Are you using Fabory Logic? Then, you get insight into your orders and inventory at any desired moment with MyFabory Insights. This helps to prevent and limit shortages. Within MyFabory Insights, you can use reports that provide you with 24/7 insight into your consumable inventory through color codes.

Customer speaks

AVR from Roeselare, Belgium, is one of the companies in the agricultural machinery sector that relies on Fabory Logic for daily production. Filip Boone, tactical buyer, explains: "Our dedicated contact person at Fabory provides insight into the consumption of fasteners and precisely shows what the high and low runners are. Together, we decide which fasteners we want to keep in stock. She also advises us on choosing alternative suppliers in the agricultural construction sector, whose materials we can place in the Logic cabinets."

Boone knows that the machine's short time to operate almost no longer tolerates downtime. "Machines have to do more in more extreme conditions. Because of less qualified staff, the operation must be intuitive and simple, which often conflicts with technological progress." Read here how AVR runs the production process efficiently thanks to optimal inventory management.

Strengthen your connections with these fasteners

What fasteners do producers and maintenance companies rely on most in their orders from Fabory? In the agricultural construction sector, companies trust fasteners like the Nord-Lock Expander, which allows you to perform a repair directly on worn material. Welding and line boring are not necessary with this permanent solution against wear. What are other frequently ordered materials? You can see them in the top 7 below.

Top 7

Zinc flake

Multiple coatings are available to protect parts against external influences. The zinc flake coating consists of zinc and aluminum flakes, bound by an inorganic matrix. Zinc flake offers high corrosion resistance, a thin layer, no hydrogen embrittlement, and is free of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+). Fabory offers over 2,000 articles in zinc flake from stock.

Customer specific items 

At Fabory, we understand how crucial it is to work quickly and efficiently during machine maintenance. That’s why we deliver exactly the materials you urgently need from our warehouses. For customer-specific items, such as bolts with non-standard lengths (e.g., 183 millimeters instead of the standard 180 millimeters), we ensure these are ready for you on demand.

Lubrinox: pre-lubricated fastening materials

A good example of newly designed fasteners by Fabory are the Lubrinox bolts, nuts, and screws. When using stainless steel fastening materials, it often happens that the internal and external threads seize together, making it impossible to unscrew the fastening. This can be countered with a paste, but it requires extra time and parts, and hands must be cleaned after use. Lubrinox provides lasting lubrication in the connection. Read more about it here.

Tools, metalworking products, and protective equipment

In addition to fasteners, producers, construction and maintenance companies in the agricultural sector rely on Fabory for stocking tools, metalworking products, protective equipment, and C-parts We buy the additional items that you need and previously purchased yourself as a package for you. Products from the following brands, commonly used in agriculture, are also available in our webshop.

Fabory app

Do you also order your fasteners via the Fabory app? Then, you prevent mistakes and save time in the ordering process. Do you need a MyFabory account or want to download the app? On this page, you'll find the benefits listed again.

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Creating Peace of Mind

In the Quality & Engineering department, our technical experts possess knowledge that they are eager to share with you to make safe connections. Thus, we assist you as a producer or maintenance mechanic in choosing the correct fasteners from our extensive assortment. We offer solutions and advice on fastening items and various designs and applications. In addition to these solutions, the experts at Fabory come with calculations and tests. These help to achieve safe connections in the agricultural machinery. We work closely with standardisation institutes and technical committees. These collaborations guarantee a high level of technical knowledge and information. All these factors create Peace of Mind, allowing you and your employees to continue focusing on core tasks.

Contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Odborníci na spojovací materiál

Díky znalostem výrobků, výpočtům a zkouškám dospějeme ke správnému návrhu a použití konkrétních spojovacích prvků. Náš sortiment 120 000 spojovacích prvků v jakémkoli provedení, velikosti a typu materiálu vyžaduje efektivní řízení zásob, na které se můžete spolehnout. Aplikace RFID je jedním z chytrých řešení, které vám společnost Fabory Logic nabízí. Každé řešení poskytuje cennou podporu pro řízení zásob vaší společnosti. Vytváří tak klid na práci, kdy se zaměstnanci vaší společnosti mohou nadále věnovat svým hlavním úkolům.


Fabory je tou správnou voľbou pre vaše potreby v oblasti spojovacích materiálov. Naše produktové portfólio obsahuje široký sortiment spojovacích materiálov a zákaznícky špecifických riešení spojovacích materiálov pre rôzne aplikácie, doplnené C-dielmi.

Fabory Logic

Fabory pomáha pri dostupnosti spojovacích materiálov a C-dielov. Inovatívne panely poskytujú prehľad o spotrebe, čo vám umožní znížiť celkové náklady na vlastnenie materiálu. Fabory Logic vám ponúka služby RFID, Optical-Eye, Váhy a pomoc Merchandisera.

Kvalita, inžiniering a výskum a vývoj

Fabory si zakladá na kvalite a spoľahlivosti. Prepracované riadenie kvality a systémy kontroly kvality sú základom našej činnosti. Naši pracovníci sú vám k dispozícii, aby vám pomohli zabezpečiť správny výber spojovacieho materiálu pre danú aplikáciu.

Nezatvárajte túto stránku. Táto správa zmizne, keď sa stránka úplne načíta.