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Ruko Treflă pentru găuri transversale 5-10 mm 90 deg HSS-Co5

Peeling cut. Chip removal through the slot prevents chips from clogging the workpiece. Ideal for burr- and chatter-free deburring and countersinking. Applicable for steel, cast iron, non-ferrous and light metals. Best results at low cutting speeds. Countersink with a blade not recommended for full countersinking.

Cod Articol F6375.101.302
Lungime (mm) 48
Material de tăiere HSS-E
Direcția de tăiere Dreapta
Unghiul de frezare (°) 90
Diametrul de frezare (mm) 5 - 10
Ambalat la 1


Lungime (mm) 48
Material de tăiere HSS-E
Direcția de tăiere Dreapta
Unghiul de frezare (°) 90
Diametrul de frezare (mm) 5 - 10
Marca Ruko
Greutate pe bucată (g) 14
Type Countersink


Peeling cut. Chip removal through the slot prevents chips from clogging the workpiece. Ideal for burr- and chatter-free deburring and countersinking. Applicable for steel, cast iron, non-ferrous and light metals. Best results at low cutting speeds. Countersink with a blade not recommended for full countersinking.

Numerele articolelor

Cod Articol F6375.101.302
EAN 4007140003799
UBB 240203143732
UNSPSC 20102007
Nr. articol producător 102302E
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