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Anticipate and react in a production environment 

The Weight Scale Cabinet helps to manage inventory levels of Fasteners and C-parts. The smart application anticipates and reacts in a production environment with highly fluctuating consumption needs. In this production environment, being out-of-stock on critical parts can cause a production stop. 

Never out of stock

The Weight Scale technology detects and monitors the increasing use of fasteners and C-Parts, so that you never run out-of-stock. The Weight Scale system captures the highs and lows in usage. We adjust the minimum and maximum number of pieces to these highs and lows and the time it takes to replenish. This means you always have the right quantity available for production.

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Coping with highs and lows

React quickly to changing consumption needs.
icon belt production

Prevent a production line stop

Automatic reordering so that stock remains at the correct level.
icon data insight

24/7 stock level visibility

No action required from the inventory management team.

This is what the Weight Scale looks like

Several scales are mounted on one shelf. A cabinet consists of eighty scales, the scales are programmed with a minimum and maximum number of items to suit production. In this way, the scale always determines the specific need.

The working method 

The scale helps companies to reduce their stock levels of fasteners and C-parts. Supply Chain Solutions Manager Sander Langkamp: "For a customer who uses an average of eighty pieces of one article per week, we can set the maximum to one hundred and the minimum to fifty pieces." As soon as the minimum is reached, an order for fifty items is automatically placed to replenish the item to the maximum of one hundred pieces. Fabory offers the service of having a merchandiser replenish the articles after the required number of articles has been ordered.

Weight Scale cabinet


In stock management, the scale makes it possible to cluster articles from different suppliers into a single supplier. The situation is always transparent for each article. Customers can log in to the platform where they can see the stock levels of Fasteners and C-parts. 

Tailoring to your needs

Customer needs always differ. One customer might demand high volume, another might prefer lower volume. That is why we offer unique solutions for each customer. Ultimately, it's all about the quality of the Fasteners you work with.

Weight Scale Cabinet is just one of the Fabory Logic solutions that supports customers inventory management.  Discover our other innovative solutions.

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"There can not be an item out-of-stock during the production of a machine. That is the worst-case scenario for an international logistics chain. That is why an optimal stock level is so important, at all times."
Sander Langkamp, Supply Chain Solutions Manager

Masters in Fasteners

With product knowledge, calculations and tests, we come to the correct design and application of specific fasteners. Our range of 120,000 fasteners in any design, size and material type requires efficient stock management where you can rely on. The RFID application is one of the smart solutions Fabory Logic offers you. Every solution provides valuable support for your company stock management. This creates Peace of Mind, where the employees in your company can continue to focus on their core tasks.

Gama de produse

Fabory este alegerea potrivită pentru toate nevoile dvs. de fixare. Portofoliul nostru de produse conține o gamă largă de elemente de fixare standard și soluții de fixare specifice pentru diverse aplicații precum si C-parts.

Fabory Logic

Fabory Logic va pune la dispozitie o gama completa de servicii lde gestionare a stocurilor printre care RFID, Optical-Eye, Cântare și Merchandiser

Inginerie si controlul calitatii

Fabory este construit pe calitate și fiabilitate. Managementul calității este în centrul operațiunii noastre. Inginerii noștri sunt disponibili pentru a vă sprijini în asigurarea alegerii corecte a elementelor de fixare.

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