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Stimați parteneri, În data de 24.01.2025 o să fie Sărbătoare Națională în România, motiv pentru care comenzile dvs. înregistrate în 23.01.2025 se vor livra în data de 28.01.2025 iar cele inregistrate in 24.01.2025 se vor livra in 29.01.2025!

Discover our latest innovation

Seizing of stainless steel is a thing of the past


The stainless-steel market gained a new and recognized standard in fastening materials. This spring we are introducing Lubrinox fasteners, nuts, and bolts with a high-end lubricating coating. Based on the wishes that customers shared with us regarding fasteners, we were able to develop the fasteners.

The innovative fasteners help reduce assembly time because loose lubricants are no longer needed. Lubrinox fasteners prevent the inner and outer threads of a stainless-steel connection from sticking together. The quality of the connection is guaranteed because the coating ensures durable lubrication in the threaded connection. Without people on the shop floor having to do anything about it. Disassembly is just as smooth. Gone are the awkward and dangerous situations caused by nuts and bolts that no longer come loose, break off or be ground through.


The lubrication applied to the fasteners for sale at Fabory is FDA-approved. This makes Lubrinox fasteners a perfect choice for machine manufacturers in the food industry and in industries such as:

• the process industry

• steel construction

• Electrical engineering

• the medical industry

• general mechanical engineering

Saving 1,700 working hours

Manufacturers often prevent the cold welding of stainless-steel bolts and nuts by using loose lubricants. Assembly requires extra time and parts and hands must be cleaned after use. With the use of Lubrinox, manufacturers save an average of 25 seconds per bolted joint. For a medium-sized machine shop, that means savings of about 1,700 working hours per year.

Alternative to lubrication on bolts

The design and production company Geelen Counterflow from Haelen was one of the first companies to start working with Lubrinox. Due to intensive use of stainless-steel fasteners, the company was looking for a cost-saving alternative to lubrication on bolts. The coating that shop-floor employees previously used was a lot thicker. Fabory's Lubrinox fasteners do not require such a thick coating. René Derckx, technical buyer at Geelen Counterflow: "A thick coating makes it more difficult to screw in screws by hand. They become very greasy. If you must use force, slide over the hexagon with your fingers. With Lubrinox, you don't have that."

Buying lubricants unnecessary

Juriaan van der Sluijs works as a Senior Tactical Buyer at Viscon. The company specializes in automating processes for the food industry. Van der Sluijs: "In the design of our machines, we look at where we can make processes for customers even more efficient. Timely delivery of high-quality fasteners helps tremendously with that." For Viscon, the biggest reason for using Lubrinox is in saving time and making efficiency gains. "Thanks to Lubrinox, we don't have to buy lubricants and apply them manually."

Being relevant to industries

Jos Lavrijsen, product category manager bij Fabory voegt daar aan toe: “Door goed te luisteren naar klanten in specifieke marktsegmenten, kunnen we ons assortiment nog relevanter maken voor die specifieke branches. In goede samenwerking met gespecialiseerde partners hebben we Lubrinox ontwikkeld.”


Jos Lavrijsen, product category manager at Fabory adds, "By listening carefully to customers in specific market segments, we can make our assortment even more relevant to those specific industries. In good cooperation with specialized partners, we have developed Lubrinox."

You will find all the advantages of using Lubrinox fasteners on the website.

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