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Stimați parteneri, În data de 24.01.2025 o să fie Sărbătoare Națională în România, motiv pentru care comenzile dvs. înregistrate în 23.01.2025 se vor livra în data de 28.01.2025 iar cele inregistrate in 24.01.2025 se vor livra in 29.01.2025!

"This way we optimise TCO"

Yves Derycke, CEO of Fabory, explains what Fabory will focus on in supporting the manufacturing and maintenance industry in the coming year. He emphasizes three essential qualities for success. "First and foremost, it's about agility, especially in times of an unstable global situation, as we are currently experiencing. In such moments, companies must be able to adapt quickly and not be passive. Additionally, make sure to understand the needs and pain points of customers and provide solutions. Also, foster sustainable collaboration, even with competitors.

Rising costs for energy and labor

Until two or three years ago, the biggest concern for companies in the manufacturing and maintenance industry was product availability. That's less of a concern now. We need to address the increased costs of energy and labor in the manufacturing industry. Our customers should keep challenging us to optimize logistics as efficiently as possible. Offering a five percent discount is just a drop in the bucket. Our strength lies in reducing the TCO in production and maintenance. We don't sell products but solutions to optimize the TCO of machine production as effectively as possible.

Exponential growth in multiple markets

In the logistical process, we aim to minimize manual intervention. We need people who can work well with robots. Only then can you achieve automatic replenishment of products and efficiently set up logistical processes, enabling you to continue production here. You become too dependent if you move everything to the East.

Foundation of your organization

People and culture are mentioned last but are actually the most crucial focus. We can talk all we want about our Masters in Fasteners strategy, but if our employees don't feel it, don't live it daily, it won't work. The right culture is like the cement that holds everything together. People must always be motivated to do the right thing. The foundation will collapse if the cement and stones do not fit together well, no matter how good the stones are."
CEO Yves Derycke
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