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Stimați parteneri, În data de 24.01.2025 o să fie Sărbătoare Națională în România, motiv pentru care comenzile dvs. înregistrate în 23.01.2025 se vor livra în data de 28.01.2025 iar cele inregistrate in 24.01.2025 se vor livra in 29.01.2025!

Fabory customers now receive fast delivery of fastening materials


A new automated warehouse helps Fabory to deliver to its customers even more efficiently. In the warehouse in Tilburg, over 100,000 items are in stock, making their way to Fabory's customers from there. Thanks to extensive automation, there is increased flexibility during peak times.

A surprising calm prevails in the bulk warehouse. Three automatic MXX high-rise trucks ensure that pallets are placed in one of the 28,000 storage locations. They seamlessly cooperate with four equally automatic EXV stackers that glide between goods receipt, storage locations, and a destacking robot.

Project manager Leon Broere: "In addition to increased flexibility, with our automated warehouse, we have a safer working environment for humans and machines. This is the prelude to further automation and mechanization of our logistics center." Fabory sees various possibilities to better align product flows.

Logistics Director Joost Jansonius adds: "Thanks to the new bulk warehouse, inventory management has improved, and we achieve the desired cost reduction. During peak periods, we now have more room to breathe, and the replenishment lead time has decreased from 1 to 2 days to 2 to 3 hours. Our customers notice this."

Take a look inside our automated warehouse with this video

Fabory warehouse
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