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Stimați parteneri, În data de 24.01.2025 o să fie Sărbătoare Națională în România, motiv pentru care comenzile dvs. înregistrate în 23.01.2025 se vor livra în data de 28.01.2025 iar cele inregistrate in 24.01.2025 se vor livra in 29.01.2025!

Alongside technical experts, shape the future of wind energy

Keep your production running smoothly: rely on Fabory's high-quality materials

Discover how Fabory supports companies in the wind industry worldwide with the production, assembly, and maintenance of wind turbines and components. Get acquainted with a wide range of fastening materials and articles, both standard and custom-made, delivered just-in-time to you.

Smart logistical solutions and a dedicated team of Quality & Engineering ensure that manufacturers and maintenance companies in the wind sector execute their processes with confidence. Start reading to uncover how we provide insights into the procurement process of critical items and how Fabory's commitment to continuous improvement sets the standard for partnership in the wind industry.

Together, we are building a more sustainable future. Click below to access valuable insights and opportunities.

Whitepaper Wind

Masters in Fasteners

With product knowledge, calculations and tests, we come to the correct design and application of specific fasteners. Our range of 120,000 fasteners in any design, size and material type requires efficient stock management where you can rely on. The RFID application is one of the smart solutions Fabory Logic offers you. Every solution provides valuable support for your company stock management. This creates Peace of Mind, where the employees in your company can continue to focus on their core tasks.

Gama de produse

Fabory este alegerea potrivită pentru toate nevoile dvs. de fixare. Portofoliul nostru de produse conține o gamă largă de elemente de fixare standard și soluții de fixare specifice pentru diverse aplicații precum si C-parts.

Fabory Logic

Fabory Logic va pune la dispozitie o gama completa de servicii lde gestionare a stocurilor printre care RFID, Optical-Eye, Cântare și Merchandiser

Inginerie si controlul calitatii

Fabory este construit pe calitate și fiabilitate. Managementul calității este în centrul operațiunii noastre. Inginerii noștri sunt disponibili pentru a vă sprijini în asigurarea alegerii corecte a elementelor de fixare.

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