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Leading standard

Norms and standards

The products you purchase on Fabory.com meet the strictest standards, including DIN and ISO. These are leading organisations in the development of technical standards. DIN focuses on national German standards, while ISO handles globally recognised standards. The guidelines promote uniformity, safety, and quality across various industries. We will explain the two standards in more detail below:

DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung):

Many people are familiar with the term DIN, but what does this standard represent? DIN stands for Deutsches Institut für Normung, a leading German standard organisation responsible for defining DIN standards for fastening materials and industrial products. Much of our materials adhere to DIN standards, ensuring quality and consistency.


DIN 934 A2

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DIN 934 A2

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DIN 933

DIN 934 A2

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DIN 7991

DIN 934 A2

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DIN was established in 1917 as the 'Normenausschuss der Deutschen Industrie' (NADI). The organisation aimed to set standards for the German industry but quickly became a key player on the international stage. As a result, the name was changed in 1926 to 'Deutscher Normenausschuss' (DNA), highlighting the broader application of standards beyond the industry.

Structure and collaboration

After World War II, DIN was reestablished and renamed 'Deutsches Institut für Normung.' The focus was now on rebuilding the German economy and promoting international cooperation. During the 1950s and 1960s, DIN played a crucial role in founding the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).

Quality and reliability

Today, DIN is one of the world's leading standard institutes and sets standards for nearly every conceivable product and process. DIN standards are synonymous with quality and reliability. With over 34,000 standards in its portfolio, DIN contributes to harmonising technical standards worldwide and promotes innovation, safety, and sustainability in various sectors. We are proud that most of our products are certified according to DIN standards.


ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation):

ISO standards are globally recognised as the benchmark for quality and safety. Our products meet various ISO standards, such as ISO 9001 for quality management and ISO 14001 for environmental management.


ISO was established in 1947 and has grown to become one of the most influential standardisation institutes worldwide. It originated from the International Federation of the National Standardising Associations (ISA), active from 1926 to 1942 but ceased during World War II. Following the war, international technicians realised the need for a new and widely supported institute for global standardisation, leading to the establishment of ISO.


ISO is derived from the Greek word 'isos,' meaning 'equal.' It symbolises universal equality and standardisation, regardless of the language in which the abbreviation is pronounced. Quality, environment, and information Since 1945, ISO has developed thousands of international standards that are used worldwide in various industries. Notable standards include ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management), and ISO 27001 (information security).

Operating uniformly

The International Organization for Standardisation (ISO) is a worldwide platform that harmonises technical standards. It provides a common language and basis for product quality, safety, and sustainability. ISO standards promote trade, innovation, and consumer protection while assisting organisations in different countries to operate uniformly. Fabory is proud to make a significant contribution to this way of working.


DIN 934 A2

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DIN 934 A2

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DIN 934 A2

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DIN 934 A2

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EN (European Norm)

European Norms, also known as EN standards, are technical standards established within Europe to ensure that products and processes meet uniform quality requirements. The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) developed these standards in collaboration with various European parties. They stimulate trade, ensure safe working conditions, and make products more reliable in sectors such as construction, automotive, and aerospace. For example, in construction, anchor bolts complying with the EN 15048 standard are used, while in the automotive sector, wheel bolts conforming to EN 14399 are essential for vehicle safety.


EN standards were established to standardize quality and technical specifications across Europe. Since its founding in 1961, CEN has played an important role in developing uniform standards to replace conflicting national regulations. This standardization facilitates international trade and ensures consistent quality and safety.

Structure and collaboration

The standards are developed by technical experts from more than 30 countries. Over 60,000 professionals provide input to ensure that the standards align with the latest industrial developments and technologies. This process is based on collaboration, transparency, and building consensus, with input from industry, governments, and social organizations. This collaboration ensures that EN standards are not only technically robust but also widely supported by both the industry and government agencies, increasing acceptance and application across different sectors.

Quality and reliability

Fastening materials that comply with EN standards are rigorously tested for properties such as mechanical strength, corrosion resistance, and durability. This ensures that manufacturers deliver reliable products for critical applications. For instance, fastening materials according to EN 1090 are tested for their ability to withstand mechanical load, which is crucial for structural integrity in steel constructions. Compliance also helps meet EU regulations, making market access easier and strengthening trust between suppliers and customers.
In short, EN standards are essential for ensuring quality, safety, and international trade opportunities. They ensure that companies, regardless of location, can rely on products that consistently meet high standards.

Leadingpage HV

DIN 934 A2

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EN 15048

DIN 934 A2

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EN 16983

DIN 934 A2

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EN 1664

DIN 934 A2

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A kötőelemek szakértői

With product knowledge, calculations and tests, we come to the correct design and application of specific fasteners. Our range of 120,000 fasteners in any design, size and material type requires efficient stock management where you can rely on. The RFID application is one of the smart solutions Fabory Logic offers you. Every solution provides valuable support for your company stock management. This creates Peace of Mind, where the employees in your company can continue to focus on their core tasks.


A Faborynál minden kötőelemmel kapcsolatos igényére talál megoldást. Termékkínálatunkban megtalálhatók szabványos kötőelemek, egyedi felhasználásra való személyre szabott megoldások és az OEM-piacra szánt C-típusú termékek.

Fabory Logic

A Fabory támogatja Önt a kötőelemek elérhetőségében. Innovatív irányítófelületek nyújtanak betekintést a fogyasztásba, lehetővé téve a TCO csökkentését. A Fabory Logic RFID, Optical-leolvasá, Mérleg alapú és Merchandiser szolgáltatásokat kínál Önnek.

Minőségbiztosítás, Mérnöki szolgáltatások, K+F

A Fabory a minőségen és a megbízhatóságon alapszik. A kifinomult minőségirányítás és a speciális minőségellenőrzési rendszerek képezik működésünk alapját. Mérnökeink készséggel segítenek Önnek kiválasztani az éppen szükséges megfelelő kötőelemet.

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