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Header Kitting

Specific count-off for each order

Companies commonly use article kitting. Fabory assembles a custom package packed and delivered as a single unit, allowing for direct shipment of the order.

Four million kits

Kitting is a convenient solution for companies dealing with various product types. A single package can accommodate up to sixty different items, simplifying the process by grouping related items together. This practice not only saves time but also provides peace of mind for your company. We deliver over four million kits annually.

"With the automated kitting machine, you will receive items faster, and the quality is even better guaranteed."
Countdown specific orders


Pack and deliver items as one unit
Ensure quality

Quality assurance

The right numbers are packed automatically


Kits received in one package, complete with logo and label

Reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

One to two different articles are placed into a bag from our automated kitting machine. Automating this process reduces your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by eliminating control costs. Our kitting machine also allows us to ensure even better quality. Instead of labels, we print directly on the bag to give you and your customers the correct information.


Our automated kitting machine optimises and professionalises your packaging and allows for personalisation. Imagine your company logo and label on a kit of Fabory fasteners, delivered as a whole from our kitting machine.

Avoid wastage

Are you looking to streamline extensive, complex maintenance work while managing stock levels? Our use of Kardex shuttle cabinets with a pick-to-light system to process these orders ensures that the correct products are always selected and provided to the technician. This reduces waste and saves time by grouping and delivering separate but related items as a single assembly unit, regardless of size.

Kitting example 1
Kitting machine

Item number management

As specialists in fasteners, we also provide specialised articles. All stock items in assembled kits can be easily reordered using a single item number, reducing the complexity of managing item numbers.

We can create kits for production, assembly, and After-Market applications that are tailored to your specific business and ordering processes. For example, think of a mechanic who installs charging stations for electric cars—we ensure they have the correct items in the right quantities for each installation, providing a solution uniquely designed for their needs.

Kitting is one of Fabory Logic's innovative solutions that is designed to ease customer workload.

Also, discover our other innovative solutions.


We provide advice, calculations, and tests to ensure the proper design and application of specific fasteners. Our range includes 120,000 fasteners in various versions, sizes, and materials, and we guarantee efficient stock management. Smart logistics solutions are available to assist you. Fabory Quality & Engineering advises customers on the safest connections, providing peace of mind and allowing your company's employees to focus on core tasks.


A Faborynál minden kötőelemmel kapcsolatos igényére talál megoldást. Termékkínálatunkban megtalálhatók szabványos kötőelemek, egyedi felhasználásra való személyre szabott megoldások és az OEM-piacra szánt C-típusú termékek.

Fabory Logic

A Fabory támogatja Önt a kötőelemek elérhetőségében. Innovatív irányítófelületek nyújtanak betekintést a fogyasztásba, lehetővé téve a TCO csökkentését. A Fabory Logic RFID, Optical-leolvasá, Mérleg alapú és Merchandiser szolgáltatásokat kínál Önnek.

Minőségbiztosítás, Mérnöki szolgáltatások, K+F

A Fabory a minőségen és a megbízhatóságon alapszik. A kifinomult minőségirányítás és a speciális minőségellenőrzési rendszerek képezik működésünk alapját. Mérnökeink készséggel segítenek Önnek kiválasztani az éppen szükséges megfelelő kötőelemet.

Ne zárja be ezt az oldalt. Ez az üzenet eltűnik, amikor az oldal teljesen betöltődik.