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Scan and order with the Fabory app

In the Meggson production department they never miss out on bolts, nuts, screws and washers. This was Aart van Ginkel's wish and he succeeds with the help of the Fabory app. Aart is head of production at the egg handling company from Ede and is responsible for maintaining the correct amount of fasteners.

The fasteners that arrive at Meggson are used in the assembly of various machines for the international egg industry. On an annual basis, the company produces about 125 machines for efficient egg handling. Van Ginkel started at the company at the beginning of 2022 and was happy to notice that Meggson, like his previous employer, counts on Fabory fasteners. “I had already had good experiences with my previous employer.” His first few months at Meggson he still used the Opticon Scanner. “That didn't work efficiently, because I couldn't scan all barcodes. Also, the transfer from scanner to shopping cart did not always go smoothly.”


"if it can be done via the phone, then I am in favour"

Van Ginkel then contacted his contact person at Fabory to get a new scanner. The answer he then received from Fabory surprised him. Instead of the scanner, he could also use his mobile phone to scan barcodes via the Fabory app. "I did not know that! I was immediately enthusiastic, because this is the easiest way for me to work.”

100 articles, 200 barcodes

His contact at Fabory made ordering the order lists with bolts, nuts and washers even easier by printing out all barcodes twice and sticking them on the bins of the two-bin system. In total there are one hundred articles, so two hundred barcodes rolled out of the printer. Aart scans the barcode of an empty container using the two-bin method with his telephone. “If a container is empty, I scan the code via the Fabory app. The system offers overview and ease of ordering. Bolts that used to be overlooked were also not ordered. The two-bin system literally shows what is and what is not in stock.”

Digital Logistics for Meggson
Digital Logistics for Meggson

"This approach allows us to produce a larger number of machines more efficiently"

In the past, Meggson used a cabinet that was full of various fasteners in boxes. “Everyone could use that, without us knowing which fasteners had the highest usage. So there was no real overview.” The new approach suits Aart well. “I like to streamline and structure everything. This way of working also helps us to produce larger numbers of machines.” ”

The production department run by Aart employs ten employees. “By using the Fabory app, I can do the ordering process for the fasteners myself much more easily. On average I order new fasteners once a week, sometimes more often. Our company is a stone's throw from Fabory in Ede. If we ever run out of the right fasteners, I can always drive to the location.”

Final order on big screen

Meggson's website states: We believe that real improvement comes from simplifying complex issues, processes and solutions. Anyone can make something complicated, but the real expert makes it simple without losing power.

This view is typical of the collaboration with Fabory and how stock management is set up. After scanning barcodes via his phone, Aart sends the articles to the Fabory shopping cart. He processes the order via his computer. “I like working that way, on a big screen. ”

After finalizing the order, Aart will receive the fasteners the next day. “I always adhered to 'order before 12 noon, next day delivery'. But even the time I placed an order at 3 p.m., the fasteners arrived the next morning.” He concludes with enthusiasm: “These Smart Industry collaborations give energy. They make the producing Netherlands stronger. ”

Inventory management in your own hands. Also something for your company?

Would you also like to order products via Fastscan in the Fabory app? With FastScan you can easily order and avoid errors. Go to the Apple Store (iPhone) or Play Store (Android) and download the Fabory app.

The Fabory app is part of Fabory Logic. Our smart logistics solutions help to efficiently organize processes on the work floor.  Discover more

Download the Fabory app

Download Fabory App on Google Play    Download the Fabory App on Apple Store

A kötőelemek szakértői

With product knowledge, calculations and tests, we come to the correct design and application of specific fasteners. Our range of 120,000 fasteners in any design, size and material type requires efficient stock management where you can rely on. The RFID application is one of the smart solutions Fabory Logic offers you. Every solution provides valuable support for your company stock management. This creates Peace of Mind, where the employees in your company can continue to focus on their core tasks.


A Faborynál minden kötőelemmel kapcsolatos igényére talál megoldást. Termékkínálatunkban megtalálhatók szabványos kötőelemek, egyedi felhasználásra való személyre szabott megoldások és az OEM-piacra szánt C-típusú termékek.

Fabory Logic

A Fabory támogatja Önt a kötőelemek elérhetőségében. Innovatív irányítófelületek nyújtanak betekintést a fogyasztásba, lehetővé téve a TCO csökkentését. A Fabory Logic RFID, Optical-leolvasá, Mérleg alapú és Merchandiser szolgáltatásokat kínál Önnek.

Minőségbiztosítás, Mérnöki szolgáltatások, K+F

A Fabory a minőségen és a megbízhatóságon alapszik. A kifinomult minőségirányítás és a speciális minőségellenőrzési rendszerek képezik működésünk alapját. Mérnökeink készséggel segítenek Önnek kiválasztani az éppen szükséges megfelelő kötőelemet.

Ne zárja be ezt az oldalt. Ez az üzenet eltűnik, amikor az oldal teljesen betöltődik.