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Loctite 577 Sealant Yellow 250ml

Multifunction, Liquid filtered product for metal threads. General purpose. For metal threads only. Instant low pressure sealing. Resistant to oil, gasoline, hydraulic fluids and cooling. ensures the braking of fittings against loosening because of the vibrations.

Položka č. 2H305835
Objem (ml)
Farba Yellow
Použitie Iné
Balenie Tube
Vodotesný Nie
Ambalat la 1

technické údaje

Objem (ml) 50
Farba Yellow
Použitie Iné
Balenie Tube
Vodotesný Nie
Maximálna teplota (°C) 150
Proces vytvrdzovania Iné
Transparentné Nie
So štetcom Nie
Vodou riediteľné Nie
Fyzická forma Pasta
Hotový Áno
Viskozita (Pa-s) 0.033
Značka Loctite
Model 577
Type Thread Sealant


Multifunction, Liquid filtered product for metal threads. General purpose. For metal threads only. Instant low pressure sealing. Resistant to oil, gasoline, hydraulic fluids and cooling. ensures the braking of fittings against loosening because of the vibrations.

Čísla materiálu

Položka č. 2H305835
EAN 5010266011943
UBB 500675546963
UNSPSC 31201601
Číslo materiálu výrobcu 2068187
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