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Narrow head type for stripping in confined spaces. For single, multi and fine-stranded conductors with standard insulation. Automatically adapts to different conductor cross-sections. With wire cutter for copper and aluminium conductors up to max. 2.5 mm². Housing: Made of fibreglass-reinforced plastic. Blade: Special tool steel, oil-hardened, replaceab

Položka č. 9Q829611
Izolácia Áno
Ochrana povrchu Iné
S rezačkou drôtu Áno
Dĺžka (mm) 180
Rozsah pásikov AWG 24 - 10 AWG
Ambalat la 1

technické údaje

Izolácia Áno
Ochrana povrchu Iné
S rezačkou drôtu Áno
Dĺžka (mm) 180
Rozsah pásikov AWG 24 - 10 AWG
Nastaviteľná dĺžka pásu Áno
Prierez rozsahu pásu (mm²) 0.2 - 6
Samonastavovací Áno
Značka Knipex
Type Insulation Stripper


Narrow head type for stripping in confined spaces. For single, multi and fine-stranded conductors with standard insulation. Automatically adapts to different conductor cross-sections. With wire cutter for copper and aluminium conductors up to max. 2.5 mm². Housing: Made of fibreglass-reinforced plastic. Blade: Special tool steel, oil-hardened, replaceable

Čísla materiálu

Položka č. 9Q829611
EAN 4003773054573
UBB 500513368943
UNSPSC 27111510
Číslo materiálu výrobcu 12 62 180
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