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Device tester ST 710 2500 test units /with tester/test cable L270xW115xH55mm BEN

Benning ST 710 Battery-operated appliance tester DIN EN 50678 (VDE 0701), DIN EN 50699 (VDE 0702), DGUV regulation 3. Testing of electrical appliances/work equipment, e.g. electrical appliances/tools with on/off switch, heating appliances, motorised appliances, lights, cable reels, multiple distribution boards and household appliances. Graphical display

Položka č. 4W345360
Pamäť nameraných hodnôt Nie
Indikácia Grafický
Rozsah merania izolačného odporu (MOhm) ['01', '20']
Rozsah merania odporu ochranného uzemnenia (Ohm) ['005', '20']
Rozhranie Nie
Ambalat la 1

technické údaje

Pamäť nameraných hodnôt Nie
Indikácia Grafický
Rozsah merania izolačného odporu (MOhm) ['01', '20']
Rozsah merania odporu ochranného uzemnenia (Ohm) ['005', '20']
Rozhranie Nie
Meranie výkonu Áno
Pripojenie tlačiarne Nie
Meranie odberového prúdu Nie
Indikácia hraničnej hodnoty Áno
Automatická skúšobná sekvencia Áno
Pripojenie pre externý merací adaptér Áno
Testovanie rozširujúcich vodičov Áno
Prúd ochranného vodiča Áno
Kontaktný prúd Áno
Meranie napätia Áno
Integrovaná tlačiareň Nie
Vhodné na použitie poučenou osobou Áno
Aktívne testovanie Nie
Pasívne testovanie Áno
Alternatívna metóda Nie
Diferenčná prúdová metóda Nie
Priama metóda Nie
Značka Benning


Benning ST 710 Battery-operated appliance tester DIN EN 50678 (VDE 0701), DIN EN 50699 (VDE 0702), DGUV regulation 3. Testing of electrical appliances/work equipment, e.g. electrical appliances/tools with on/off switch, heating appliances, motorised appliances, lights, cable reels, multiple distribution boards and household appliances. Graphical display. Limit value display yes. Limit values preset according to VDE standard. Simple, operation via three buttons. Fast, complete test within 10 seconds. Mobile, test can be carried out independently of the mains. Measurements: Insulation resistance measuring range 0.1 MOhm - 20 MOhm. Nominal test voltage 500 V. Protective conductor resistance measuring range 0.05 Ohm - 20 Ohm. Test current 200 mA and automatic polarity reversal. Substitute leakage current yes. Residual current no. Direct measurement no. Protective conductor current yes. Contact current yes. Protective conductor/touch current 0.1 mA - 20 mA. Battery operation: Protective conductor / touch current via equivalent leakage current method. Power measurement yes. Line test incl. RPE, RISO, continuity/short-circuit test of the phase/neutral conductor. Voltage at external earthing contact socket. Connection for external measuring adapter yes. Measuring adapter optionally available. Testing of extension cables yes. Device connection and extension cables. Special features: Automatic test sequence for class I, II (III) appliances, extension and appliance connection cables with IEC plug with good/bad display. Battery capacity for 2,500 test specimens. Download of test protocols Excel/PDF. Passive testing yes. Voltage measurement yes. Suitable for use by an instructed person. Dimensions Length 270 x width 115 x depth 55 mm. Weight 0.8 kg. Scope of delivery includes tester, bag, test lead with tapping terminal, IEC cable, 6 x 1.5 V Mignon/AA/LR6 battery.

Čísla materiálu

Položka č. 4W345360
EAN 4014650503084
UBB 500582262472
UNSPSC 41113708
Číslo materiálu výrobcu 050308
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