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BOSCH Rázové stroje 2ACCU

Cordless Two-speed Drill/Driver EasyDrill 1200,The cordless drill that gets straight to the point,Compact and lightweight design with uncompromised performance,Preselectable settings deliver optimum power and speed for every application,Built-in LED work light ensures proper illumination of the workpiece,Ideal for small drilling projects in wood and met

Položka č. 3A979698
Menovité napätie (V) 12
Šírka 209
Výška 64
Dĺžka (mm) 232
Kapacita batérie (Ah) 1.5
Ambalat la 1

technické údaje

Menovité napätie (V) 12
Šírka 209
Výška 64
Dĺžka (mm) 232
Kapacita batérie (Ah) 1.5
Rozpätie vŕtacieho skľučovadla (mm) 10-10
Priemer vrtáka oceľ 2. prevodový stupeň (mm) 8
Priemer vrtáka do ocele 1. prevodový stupeň (mm) 8
Priemer vrtáka do dreva 2. prevodový stupeň (mm) 20
Priemer vrtáka do dreva 1. prevodový stupeň (mm) 20
Max. krútiaci moment (Nm) 30
Nastavenie krútiaceho momentu (Nm) 18-30
Voľnobežné otáčky 1. prevodový stupeň (1/min) 0-400
Voľnobežné otáčky 2. prevodový stupeň (1/min) 0-1500
Počet dodaných batérií 2
S nabíjačkou batérií Áno
Značka Bosch
Model EasyDrill 1200
Type Cordless Drill Driver


Cordless Two-speed Drill/Driver EasyDrill 1200,The cordless drill that gets straight to the point,Compact and lightweight design with uncompromised performance,Preselectable settings deliver optimum power and speed for every application,Built-in LED work light ensures proper illumination of the workpiece,Ideal for small drilling projects in wood and metal, as well as for screwdriving,Single-sleeve chuck enables quick and convenient accessory changes,POWER FOR ALL: One battery and charger for an entire Home & Garden tools system,2 x battery PBA 12V 1.5Ah,Screwdriver bit and drill set,Charger GAL 1210 CV,Carrying case

Čísla materiálu

Položka č. 3A979698
EAN 4053423224863
UBB 500581679387
UNSPSC 27111701
Číslo materiálu výrobcu 06039D3007
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