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Bosch Aku Skrutkovače GSR 12 V-35

Cordless Drill/Driver GSR 12V-35, The GSR 12V-35 Professional cordless drill driver offers the best performance and compactness in the 12V category. The drill driver´s compact design enables optimum handling, especially when working overhead or in tight spaces. Its 35 Nm hard torque and 0-1,750 rpm, as well as its short head length of 154 mm, offer the

Položka č. 1E744312
Menovité napätie (V) 12
Výška 181
Kapacita batérie (Ah) 0
Hmotnosť vrátane akumulátora (kg) 1.2
Rozpätie vŕtacieho skľučovadla (mm) 10
Ambalat la 1

technické údaje

Menovité napätie (V) 12
Výška 181
Kapacita batérie (Ah) 0
Hmotnosť vrátane akumulátora (kg) 1.2
Rozpätie vŕtacieho skľučovadla (mm) 10
Priemer vrtáka do ocele 1. prevodový stupeň (mm) 10
Priemer vrtáka do dreva 1. prevodový stupeň (mm) 32
Kvalita batérie Lithium-ions
Voľnobežné otáčky 1. prevodový stupeň (1/min) 460
Voľnobežné otáčky 2. prevodový stupeň (1/min) 1750
S nabíjačkou batérií Nie
Značka Bosch
Model GSR 12V-35
Safety GSR 12 V-35
Type Cordless Drill Driver


Cordless Drill/Driver GSR 12V-35, The GSR 12V-35 Professional cordless drill driver offers the best performance and compactness in the 12V category. The drill driver´s compact design enables optimum handling, especially when working overhead or in tight spaces. Its 35 Nm hard torque and 0-1,750 rpm, as well as its short head length of 154 mm, offer the best performance-to-size ratio, making it the smallest yet most powerful 12V drill driver. Its brushless motor along with Electronic Motor Protection prevents overload and ensures a longer tool lifetime. This drill driver is intended for drilling in wood with a maximum diameter of 32 mm, in steel up to 10 mm, and for screw diameters of up to 8 mm. It is compatible with all Bosch Professional 12V batteries and chargers (Professional 12V System). L-BOXX 102 (1 600 A01 2FZ)

Čísla materiálu

Položka č. 1E744312
EAN 3165140953702
UBB 500700210635
UNSPSC 27112700
Číslo materiálu výrobcu 06019H8001
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