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Bosch Aku Screwdriving machine 06019J9103

Cordless Screwdriver GSR 12V-35 HX, The perfect balance between compactness, productivity and performance in the 12V class: the brushless GSR 12V-35 HX Professional cordless screwdriver. This highly compact cordless screwdriver easily reaches into tight and narrow spaces. With a rotation speed of 1,750 rpm, it is the fastest 12V tool of its kind, enabli

Položka č. 4L432615
Menovité napätie (V) 12
Výška 160
Kapacita batérie (Ah) 3
Hmotnosť vrátane akumulátora (kg) 0.8
Nastavenie krútiaceho momentu (Nm) 35
Ambalat la 1

technické údaje

Menovité napätie (V) 12
Výška 160
Kapacita batérie (Ah) 3
Hmotnosť vrátane akumulátora (kg) 0.8
Nastavenie krútiaceho momentu (Nm) 35
Vhodné pre priemer skrutky (mm) 8
Hmotnosť bez akumulátora (kg) 0.57
Voľnobežné otáčky 1. prevodový stupeň (1/min) 460
Voľnobežné otáčky 2. prevodový stupeň (1/min) 1750
Počet dodaných batérií 2
S nabíjačkou batérií Áno
Značka Bosch
Model GSR -35 HX
Type Cordless Screwdriver


Cordless Screwdriver GSR 12V-35 HX, The perfect balance between compactness, productivity and performance in the 12V class: the brushless GSR 12V-35 HX Professional cordless screwdriver. This highly compact cordless screwdriver easily reaches into tight and narrow spaces. With a rotation speed of 1,750 rpm, it is the fastest 12V tool of its kind, enabling smooth and efficient working with fast results. Exchanging bits is easy thanks to the convenient lockable 1/4 bit interface. The GSR 12V-35 HX Professional is suitable for screwdriving into a wide range of materials. 1/2 L-BOXX inlay for tool and charger (1 600 A00 2V2), Cardboard box, 1 x belt clip, 1 x bit holder

Čísla materiálu

Položka č. 4L432615
EAN 4059952514031
UBB 500715652250
UNSPSC 27112700
Číslo materiálu výrobcu 06019J9103
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