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Plochý sekáč SDS-plus 250 x 20 mm, Plochý sekáč Long Life s o 30 % dlhšou životnosťou a o 15 % vyšším úberovým výkonom

Položka č. B4964.390.394
Celková dĺžka (mm) 250
Dĺžka (mm) 250
Šírka sekáča (mm) 20
Tvar čepele Flat
Vloženie nástroja Zásuvka SDS-plus
Ambalat la 1

technické údaje

Celková dĺžka (mm) 250
Dĺžka (mm) 250
Šírka sekáča (mm) 20
Tvar čepele Flat
Vloženie nástroja Zásuvka SDS-plus
Značka Bosch
Váha kusu (g) 0.26
Type Flat Chisel


The SDS plus Flat Chisel provides less jamming and more progress in concrete than standard flat chisels. The self-sharpening power ribs create not only lateral, but also vertical cracks in the material. This provides a higher material removal rate and prevents the chisel from getting stuck. Additionally, viper teeth on the chiselling edge offer increased work progress. The chisel is intended for use in concrete and brick for completing adjustment work to destroy or remove walls, restore joints and clear reinforcements. The SDS plus Flat Chisel offers a 30%-longer lifetime and a 15%-higher material removal rate than standard chisels.

Čísla materiálu

Položka č. B4964.390.394
EAN 3165140308908
UBB 500577119422
UNSPSC 27111906
Číslo materiálu výrobcu 2609390394
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