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Innovative wedge-locking technology by Nord-Lock

The Nord-Lock Group is a renowned leader in secure bolted joint technology. Together with the Nord-Lock Group, Fabory strives to deliver safe and efficient bolted connection solutions. Through our collaboration, we provide you with a complete solution. Both Nord-Lock Group and Fabory are committed to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Together, we are redefining the standards for safe bolted connection solutions, contributing to the efficiency and durability of critical connections across various industries.


Wedge-locking technology

In 1982, the original Nord-Lock® wedge-locking technology was developed to secure bolted joints. This technology ensures connections remain secure even under heavy vibrations and dynamic loads. The wedge-locking technology is perfectly suited for these critical applications.

How it works

How does the locking technology work? The technology secures bolted joints by tension rather than friction. The system consists of a pair of lock washers with cams on one side and radial teeth on the other. Nord-Lock wedge-locking products secure the fastener in a connection that cannot loosen.

Product range

On Fabory.com, we offer approximately 170 products from the Nord-Lock range. These products help manufacturers and installers extend the lifespan of their applications while minimizing downtime. The advanced technology, designed to prevent spontaneous loosening and detachment of bolts, adds an extra layer of security to Fabory’s product range. Nord-Lock products are quick and easy to install, with no need for frequent inspections or retightening.

Nord-Lock products on Fabory.com

Nord-Lock vibration-resistant wedge lock washer (steel)

This wedge lock washer, made from high-quality steel with a durable Delta Protekt® coating, provides a reliable solution against vibrations and dynamic loads. Ideal for heavy industrial applications.

Nord-Lock vibration-resistant wedge Lock washer (stainless steel)

For applications in corrosion-sensitive environments, this stainless steel (A4) wedge lock washer is the perfect choice. It combines high resistance to vibrations with exceptional durability, even in extreme conditions.

Nord-Lock vibration-resistant wedge lock washer with large outer diameter (steel)

Featuring an enlarged outer diameter, this steel wedge lock washer offers additional stability and load distribution, making it ideal for delicate surfaces or heavy constructions. The Delta Protekt® coating ensures long-lasting protection.

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