Bosch Circular saw blade OPTILINE 210X30 30TB4960.640.430
Bosch Circular saw blade OPTILINE 216X30 24TB4960.640.431
Bosch Circular saw blade OPTILINE 150X20 36TB4960.640.593
Bosch Circular saw blade OPTILINE 160X30/20 36TB4960.640.603
Bosch Circular saw blade OPTILINE 180X30 24TB4960.640.608
Bosch Circular saw blade OPTILINE 190X20/16 24TB4960.640.612
Bosch Circular saw blade OPTILINE 190X20/16 36TB4960.640.613
Bosch Circular saw blade OPTILINE 200X30 48TB4960.640.620
Bosch Circular saw blade Optiline Wood external dm 210 mm no. of teeth 48 WZ bore 30 mB4960.640.623
Bosch Circular saw blade OPTILINE 230X30 36TB4960.640.628
Bosch Circular saw blade CONSTRW 160 x 30 12TB4960.640.630
Bosch Circular saw blade CONSTRW 180 x 30 12TB4960.640.632
Bosch Circular saw blade CONW 190 x 30/20 12TB4960.640.633
Bosch Circular saw blade CONSTRW 230 x 30 16TB4960.640.635
Bosch Circular saw blade external dm 216 mm no. of teeth 48 WZ/N bore 30 mm cutB4960.640.641
Bosch Circular saw blade RADIALE 250 x 30 40TB4960.640.643
Bosch Circular saw blade external dm 250 mm no. of teeth 80 WZ/N bore 30 mm cutB4960.640.645
Bosch Circular saw blade OPTILINE 315X30 60TB4960.640.651
Bosch Circular saw blade OPTILINE 235X30/25 24TB4960.640.725
Bosch Circular saw blade OPTILINE 235X30/25 48TB4960.640.727