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Loctite 5400 Gewindeklemmung 50ml

Liquid sealant for metal threads. no 'dangerous' symbol. no warnings or safety tips. 'white' safety data sheet. for metal threads only. immediate low pressure seal. withstands oil. gasoline. hydraulic and cooling fluids. provide the braking of the fittings against loosening due to vibrations.

Artikelnummer 7P833575
Volumen (ml)
Farbe Andere
Anwendung Andere
Verpackung Tube
Wasserdicht Nein
Verpackt pro 1


Volumen (ml) 50
Farbe Andere
Anwendung Andere
Verpackung Tube
Wasserdicht Nein
Aushärtungsprozess Andere
Durchsichtig Nein
Mit Pinsel Nein
Auf Wasserbasis Nein
Physikalische Form Flüssig
Fertige Produkte Ja
Marke Loctite
Model 5400
Type Threadlocking Adhesive


Liquid sealant for metal threads. no 'dangerous' symbol. no warnings or safety tips. 'white' safety data sheet. for metal threads only. immediate low pressure seal. withstands oil. gasoline. hydraulic and cooling fluids. provide the braking of the fittings against loosening due to vibrations.


Artikelnummer 7P833575
EAN 5010266003924
UBB 500645441386
UNSPSC 85214003
Hersteller Artikel Nr 1953597
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