Set 829082 provides all theessential engine timing tools to setand lock the engine components ofthe popular Renault/Volvo 2,0ltand 2,5lt petrol engines to allowcamshaft belt replacement. Alsooffers coverage for the 1.6, 1.8,1.9 and 2.3 derivatives. See attachedapplications. Additional recommended tooling –Sonic recommends the use ofSonic 829089 crankshaft pulleyholding tool when tightening orloosening the crankshaft pulleyfixing bolt. Please carry out an up-to-date cross reference test for thespecific vehicle on our Website For the professional engine repair For locking the crankshaft or camshaft and injectionpump Very high degree of accuracy In foam inlay in a durable BMCS (Blow mould case storage)