Order and Delivery Terms (Poland)
You will find more information about the shipping costs and additional costs for your orders with Fabory on this page. The costs apply to both webshop orders and orders placed through a Fabory employee.
Shipping Costs
Orders with a total product value of 1250 PLN or above are shipped free of charge.
We charge a shipping fee of 25 PLN for orders with a total product value of below 1250 PLN.
Split box orders
There is a surcharge of 7,50 PLN per order line for split box orders.
Order processing time
Please be informed the delivery time for order processing with Fabory Poland sp. z o.o. by 1:00 p.m. on business days:
- for small parcel shipped with GLSs - 24 hours
- for pallet shipments shipped with Raben - 48 hours
If the delivery address is close to the headquarters of
Raben Strykow it is possible to deliver a pallet within 24 hours.
Fabory Poland is not responsible for delays in deliveries
caused by factors beyond the company's control.