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Strumento di temporizzazione sonica 2.2/3.2

Artikelnummer 2Y678944
Design Altro
Marchio Sonic
Type Engine Timing Kit


Design Altro
Marchio Sonic
Type Engine Timing Kit


Set 829042 has been developedspecifically for the chain driven 2.2common rail diesel engines fitted inthe Ford Transit from around 2006with the engine numbers listedbelow. Engine Code: 2.2 CVF5, CVFF, CYF5, CYFA, CYFB,CYFC, CYFF, CYFG, DRF5, DRFA, DRFB, DRFC, DRFF,DRFG, GBVAJ (QW2R), GBVAJPF,GBVAJQJ, P8FA, P8FB, PGFA, PGFB, QVFA, QWFA,SRFA, SRFB, SRFC, SRFD, SRFE, UHFA 3.2 SAFA, SAFB Set 829042 is a 4 piece kitconsisting of the components requiredto lock the crankshaft and Camsprockets in their timed position toallow the removal and replacement ofthe cam chain and associatedcomponents. Please carry out an up-to-date crossreference test for the specific vehicle on our Website For the professional engine repair For locking the crankshaft or camshaft and injectionpump Very high degree of accuracy In foam inlay in a durable BMCS (Blow mould case storage)


Artikelnummer 2Y678944
EAN 4715898541998
UBB 500678308643
UNSPSC 25191700
Hersteller Artikel Nr 829042
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