Hexagon thin nut, turned DIN 439 2 Free-cutting steel Zinc flake Cr(VI) free - flZn/nc 04 turned01585
Hexagon thin nut ISO 4035 Steel Zinc flake Cr(VI) free - flZn/nc 0401588
Prevailing torque type hexagon nut with flange all metal MF MBN 13023 Steel flZnnc 720h-L 10 M14X1,5011613.140.150
Hexagon nut with flange DIN 6923 Steel Zinc flake 1011591
Self-locking hexagon nut with ribbed flange Steel Zinc plated ZincFlake 1012475.140.150
Hexagon flange nuts DIN 6923 Steel Zinc flake Cr(VI) free - flZn/nc 10 metric fine11597