RAAC CHEST METAL C9-34 ZWR9007.132.091
Raaco Petto in metallo nero C10-40 ZWR9007.132.107
RAAC CHEST METAL CAB.1240-123 BLUER9008.124.123
Petto Raaco in metallo CAB.616-123 BluR9008.616.123
Petto Raaco in metallo CAB.624-01 BluR9008.624.124
Petto Raaco in metallo CAB.906-03 BluR9008.906.003
RAAC CHEST S250 CAB.250/6-3 BLUER9009.108.577
Raaco Carosello L680xP680xH1760 mm per 12 cassetti lamiera d'acciaio zincata, blu scuroR9073.001.770
Raaco Standard di tornitura DC900 Blu vuotoR9073.001.775
Raaco Armadio di supporto CAB. TRack900 BluR9072.001.775
Raaco Storage Cabinet with 24 Drawers 40kg Steel/Polypropylene 150 x 306 x 552mm6I747859
Raaco Rack Cabinet with 250 Drawers 450kg Steel 570 x 705 x 1600mm8O862192
Raaco Storage Cabinet with 6 Drawers 37.5kg Steel/Polypropylene 255 x 357 x 435mm1L083337
Raaco Storage Cabinet with 30 Drawers 19.8kg Steel/Polypropylene 150 x 306 x 283mm4T999874
Raaco Storage Cabinet Turntable with 1200 Drawers 480kg Steel 1760mm1N472334
Raaco Storage Cabinet with 36 Drawers 30kg Steel/Polypropylene 150 x 306 x 417mm6N922778
Raaco Storage Cabinet with 60 Drawers 40kg Steel/Polypropylene 150 x 306 x 552mm7Z135848
Petto Raaco in metallo Nero C9-18 ZWR9007.132.022
RAAC CHEST METAL C11-44 ZWR9007.132.114
RAAC CHEST METAL CAB.1208-03 BLUER9008.208.003