Prevailing torque type hexagon nut with non-metallic insert DIN 985 Stainless steel A251730
Hexagon nut DIN 934 Stainless steel A251080
Hexagon nut DIN 934 Stainless steel A455080
Hexagon thin nut DIN 439 2 Stainless steel A2 03551090
Hexagon nut with serrated flange DIN ≈6923 Stainless steel A251119
Hexagon domed cap nut, high type DIN 1587 Stainless steel A4 5055400
Prevailing torque type hexagon nut with non-metallic insert DIN 985 Stainless steel A455730
Weld nut with smooth flange Stainless steel A251182
Prevailing torque type hexagon nut with non-metallic insert DIN 985 Stainless steel A2 METALFORM51729
Prevailing torque type hexagon nut with non-metallic insert, high type DIN 982 Stainless steel A251718
Hexagon slotted and castle nut DIN 935-1 Stainless steel A251220
Hexagon domed cap nut, high type DIN 1587 Stainless steel A1 5051400
Hexagon nut DIN 934 Stainless steel A4 8053580
Hexagon connection nut H=3xD Stainless steel A455106
Hexagon nut MF DIN 934 Stainless steel A251160
Prevailing torque type hexagon domed cap nut with non-metallic insert DIN 986 Stainless steel A251405
Prevailing torque type hexagon nut with non-metallic insert, high type DIN 982 Stainless steel A455718
PAL Self-locking counter nut DIN 7967 Stainless steel A251735
Hexagon thin nut MF DIN 439 2 Stainless steel A2 03551092
Square thin nut DIN 562 Stainless steel A251095