Swivel castor wheel dm 150 mm load cap. 240 kg BS ROLLEN5W630155
BS Rollen Swivel Castor with Total Brake 125mm Dia 155mm Height 150kg Elastic Rubber Black6X798105
BS Rollen Swivel Castor 200mm Dia 235mm Height 220kg with Brake4A999105
Fixed castor 125 mm 450 kg cast-polyurethane bandage 138 x 110 mm aluminium BS ROLLEN7Q822360
Fixed castor wheel dm 160 mm load cap. 250 kg solid rubber panel L138xW109 mm BS ROLLEN0A789589
Fixed castor 150 mm 550 kg cast-polyurethane bandage 138 x 110 mm aluminium BS ROLLEN5T306005
Swivel castor wheel dm 100 mm load cap. 110 kg BS ROLLEN4I474025
Spare wheel wheel dm 250 mm load cap. 550 kg BS ROLLEN5D940715
Spare wheel wheel dm 250 mm load cap. 1000 kg cast-polyurethane axle dm 20 mm BS ROLLEN8R437943
Swivel castor wheel dm 200 mm load cap. 300 kg polyurethane panel L135xW110 mm BS ROLLEN9B467249
Spare wheel wheel dm 150 mm load cap. 400 kg cast-polyurethane axle dm 20 mm BS ROLLEN6A246850
Swivel castor wheel dm 75 mm load cap. 60 kg BS ROLLEN9L108892
Fixed castor wheel dm 200 mm load cap. 750 kg plastic panel L135xW110 mm BS ROLLEN6K137592
BS Rollen Swivel Castor 30mm Dia 36mm Height 20kg without Brake Plastic Tread4H606229
Castor for hard floors suitable for office swivel chair 5 pc./bag BIMOS3W942685
Castor for soft floors, castor diameter 65 mm TOPSTAR5A895424
Work support width 500 mm height 630–1100 mm load-bearing capacity 100 kg2Y987639
Work support 4 ball castors dm 25 mm height 715–1060 mm load-bearing capacity 102B968071
Universal castor for soft and hard floors castor dm60 mm DAUPHIN9V106467
Sonic Swivel Castor 150mm Metal 195mm Height4H005083