Stahlwille 6721 3200 heavy-duty side cutter polished0W127181
Stahlwille 6720 1140 side cutter chrome plated0D762238
Stahlwille 6721 3160 heavy-duty side cutter polished0K841663
Stahlwille 6720 4140 side cutter vde1Y170185
Stahlwille 6720 3180 side cutter polished2C023820
Stahlwille 6721 4200 heavy-duty side cutter vde3C934277
Stahlwille 6720 1180 side cutter chrome plated3H740025
Stahlwille 6721 4160 heavy-duty side cutter vde4H869864
Stahlwille 6720 1160 side cutter chrome plated4M498615
Stahlwille 6720 3140 side cutter polished4S198890
Stahlwille 6720 3160 side cutter polished5G537544
Stahlwille 6720 4180 side cutter vde5I283798
Stahlwille 6720 4160 side cutter vde6N450001
Knipex Oblique Cutting Nipper 0.3-1mm 11 x 7.5 x 10mm 120mmK1062.120.120
Knipex Diagonal Cutter with Plastic Coated Handle 1.5-3mm 125mmK1070
Knipex Electronics Diagonal Cutter with Small Bevel 0.2-1.3mm 10.5 x 6.5 x 14mm 125mmK1075.120.125
Knipex Electronics Diagonal Cutter 0.2-0.8mm 10.5 x 6.5 x 14mm 125mmK1075.150.125
Knipex Electronics Diagonal Cutter 0.3-2mm 15 x 9.5 x 14mm 130mmK1077.200.130
Knipex ESD Electronics Diagonal Cutter with Multi-Component Handle 0.3-1.6mm 11 x 7.5 x 14mm 115mmK1077.205.115
Knipex ESD Electronics Diagonal Cutter with Mirror Polished 0.3-1.6mm 11 x 7.5 x 14mm 115mmK1077.215.115