Keyhole saw set 13-part 19-68 mm cutting depth 38 mm HSS-Co8 PROMAT1J166619
Keyhole saw saw diameter 24 mm cutting depth 4 mm carbide tipped with drill bit6S846566
Keyhole saw saw diameter 48 mm cutting depth 4 mm carbide tipped with drill bit5V810628
Keyhole saw saw diameter 95 mm cutting depth 38 mm 4/6 combined tooth HSS-Bi-met3W774842
Keyhole saw saw diameter 35 mm cutting depth 20 mm carbide tipped with drill bit1J227984
Keyhole saw saw diameter 70 mm cutting depth 20 mm carbide tipped with drill bit9C874268
Keyhole saw saw diameter 34 mm cutting depth 4 mm carbide tipped with drill bit9N704802
Keyhole saw saw diameter 20 mm cutting depth 4 mm carbide tipped with drill bit4W888307
Keyhole saw saw diameter 35 mm cutting depth 4 mm carbide tipped with drill bit9O951194
Keyhole saw saw diameter 16 mm cutting depth 4 mm carbide tipped with drill bit2H939430
Keyhole saw saw diameter 40 mm cutting depth 38 mm HSS-Co8 accessories not inclu9Y180118
Keyhole saw saw diameter 92 mm cutting depth 38 mm HSS-Co8 accessories not inclu2Z650998
Keyhole saw saw diameter 42 mm cutting depth 20 mm carbide tipped with drill bit3U498585
Keyhole saw saw diameter 24 mm cutting depth 38 mm 4/6 combined tooth HSS-Bi-met4Q182050
Keyhole saw saw diameter 57 mm cutting depth 38 mm 4/6 combined tooth HSS-Bi-met1C210942
Keyhole saw saw diameter 30 mm cutting depth 38 mm 4/6 combined tooth HSS-Bi-met8L723871
Keyhole saw saw diameter 24 mm cutting depth 20 mm carbide tipped with drill bit7U069616
Keyhole saw saw diameter 92 mm cutting depth 38 mm 4/6 combined tooth HSS-Bi-met0D270075
Keyhole saw saw diameter 127 mm cutting depth 38 mm HSS-Co8 accessories not incl5O580823
Keyhole saw saw diameter 48 mm cutting depth 38 mm HSS-Co8 accessories not inclu7F350031