PB Swiss Pendrive set octagon in holder 755 Ø2-7mm 6-piece, in blisterP0257.002.755
Facom Punch Set in Hanging Box 3-8mm 5-Piece9J299047
PB Swiss Safety Punch and Pendulum Chisel Set 715 H, 11-pieceP0257.000.715
Peddinghaus Pin punch set 6635110000 6 DLGK7396.001.770
Bahco Chisel Set 3736 3736S/6 6 piecesL8433.001.770
PB Swiss Punch set in holder 755 Rainbow BL RB Ø2-8mm, 6 piecesP0257.003.755
PB Swiss Breakthrough set in holder 720.H, 11 piecesP0257.000.720
PB Swiss Chisel, Center Punch and Impact Set 870 in blisterP0285.004.870
PB Swiss Pendrill set octagon 750.BLØ2-7mm, 6 piece in holder in blisterP0257.002.750
PB Swiss Pendrive set octagonal 750.BLØ2-7mm, 6 pieces in holderP0257.001.750
Pin punch set 6-part 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 mm plastic box PEDDINGHAUSK7394.001.775
Gedore Tool set 347 106 DG2816.000.347
Gedore 113 Drift Punch Set in PVC Holder 1-10mm 6-Piece4H222403
Peddinghaus Cutie scule 8004309001 8004 3-30C2390.000.030
Stahlwille Set: Drift pins, centre punches 6 pcs.G0721.001.770
Stahlwille Inter compartment 96838754 TCS+NR102-105-108G1700.838.754
Facom Sheathed Chisel Set in Cardboard Box 18-22mm 4-Piece2X137309
Gedore Pin Punch set 6 piecesG4731.001.770
Stahlwille Set: Parallel pin punches No.108/6 D 6 pcs.G0722.001.770
PB Swiss Pendrill set octagonal with handle 758 Ø10mm shank point Ø2-8mmP0257.000.758