External tab washer DIN 432 Stainless steel A251914
NORD-LOCK Vibration proof wedge-locking washer with enlarged outside diameter, inches Stainless steel 254 SMO®55466
NORD-LOCK Vibration proof wedge-locking washer with enlarged outside diameter, inches Stainless steel A455454
Regular helical spring lock washer ASME B18.21.1 Stainless spring steel AISI 316 1/2U55450.050.0001
Custom flat washer ASME ≈B18.22.1 Stainless steel A2 (AISI 304/18-8) 5/8U51410.062.0007
Plain washer with square hole, especially for timber constructions DIN 440 V Stainless steel A251577
Plain washer type LL NF E25-513 Stainless steel A2 100 HV51419
Plain washer type A wide ASME B18.21.1 Stainless steel AISI 304 1/4U51420.025.0001
Spring lock washer with rectangular ends DIN 127 B Stainless steel D6 (1.4462)52450
Spring lock washer with rectangular ends DIN 127 B Stainless steel A8 (1.4529)53450
Plain washer with outside diameter ≈ 3 x nominal thread diameter DIN 9021 Stainless steel A5 (1.4571)53530
Plain washer DIN 125-1A Stainless steel 1.453953421
Spring lock washer with rectangular ends DIN 127 B Stainless steel A5 (1.4571)52451
Square taper washer 14% for I-sections DIN 435 Stainless steel A455922
Plain washer, large, especially for timber constructions DIN 1052 Stainless steel A455533
Hexagon socket set screw DIN ˜705A Stainless steel (SS) A2 50 with DIN 91451373