Countersunk Head Timber Screw, Drill-Point, Mill Rib 6.0x160/70 TX2551459.060.160
Countersunk Head Timber Screw, Drill-Point, Mill Rib 4.5x60/36 TX2051459.045.060
Countersunk Head Timber Screw, Drill-Point, Mill Rib 4.0x45/30 TX1551459.040.045
Hinge Tape Chipboard Screw with Head Diameter 5 mm55063
Countersunk Head Timber Screw, Drill-Point, Mill Rib 5.0x100/60 TX2551459.050.100
Countersunk Head Timber Screw, Drill-Point, Mill Rib 6.0x100/60 TX2551459.060.100
Woodscrew with 2TG Washer TX 4.5x45 TX2051153.045.045
Countersunk Head Timber Screw, Drill-Point, Mill Rib 5.0x90/54 TX2551459.050.090
T-Drill RSD Countersunk Head Terrace Screw, Cut 5.0x50 TX2551452.050.050
Countersunk Head Timber Screw, Drill-Point, Mill Rib 4.0x70/42 TX1551459.040.070
Countersunk Head Timber Screw, Drill-Point, Mill Rib 5.0x45/30 TX2551459.050.045
SK-Drill Countersunk Head Terrace Screw55064
Floorboard Screw with Six Lobe Drive 3.2x50/30 TX1051444.032.050
Countersunk Head Timber Screw, Drill-Point, Mill Rib 4.0x35/24 TX1551459.040.035
Woodscrew with 2TG Washer TX 4.5x55 TX2051153.045.055
Countersunk Head Timber Screw, Drill-Point, Mill Rib 6.0x80/54 TX2551459.060.080
T-Drill RSD Countersunk Head Terrace Screw, Cut 5.0x70 TX2551452.050.070
Woodscrew with 2TG Washer TX 4.5x40 TX2051153.045.040
Countersunk Head Timber Screw, Drill-Point, Mill Rib 4.5x40/24 TX2051459.045.040
Woodscrew with 2TG Washer TX 4.5x25 TX2051153.045.025