End mill DIN 6527 L type NR nominal dm 12 mm insert length 35 mm PROMAT3A266454
Promat NR Shell End Mill 40mm HSS-Co5 16mm Cylindrical 7-Teeth9B065375
End mill DIN 6527 L stainless steel HPC nominal diameter 10 mm VHM TiAlN DIN 6532H353829
Drill groove milling cutter DIN 844 type N nominal diameter 9 mm HSS-Co8 PROMAT4L253805
Promat Conical Drill 4-20mm HSS TiN 8mm Shank 58mm1E061022
Full radius milling tool nominal dm 3 mm insert length 9 mm PROMAT2Q975589
Promat N TiCN-Coated End Mill 8mm HSS-Co8 10mm Cylindrical 4-Teeth 69mm9K118089
Milling pin ZYA-S special steel dm 6 mm head length 16 mm shank dm 6 mm PROMAT2G639433
Step drill drill. range 12-20 mm HSS, straight-fluted no. of cutters 2 no. of st5Z078340
Promat NR TiCN-Coated End Mill 20mm HSS-Co5 20mm Cylindrical 4-Teeth 104mm3L668438
Countersink DIN 335 C 90 deg nominal diameter 8.3 mm HSS TiAlN Z.3 PROMAT1K646197
Drill groove milling cutter DIN 6527 L type N nominal diameter 12 mm PROMAT1O073885
Promat 60° Deburring Cutter 4mm Solid Carbide 4mm Cylindrical 4-Teeth 54mm0P626453
Promat TiCN-Coated Groove Milling Cutter 14mm HSS-E 12mm Cylindrical 3-Teeth 73mm2N578484
Promat Uncoated End Mill 2mm HSS-E 6mm Cylindrical 4-Teeth 51mm9U039969
Promat End Mill 5mm Solid Carbide 6mm Cylindrical 3-Teeth 54mm6U837382
Promat N TiCN-Coated End Mill 18mm HSS-Co8 16mm Cylindrical 4-Teeth 92mm9U401441
End mill nominal dm 20 mm insert length 75 mm PROMAT1P432600
Counterbore DIN 373 M4 fine grade for through-hole HSS no. of cutters 3 PROMAT6Q176932
Counterbore DIN 373 M5 for core hole HSS no. of cutters 3 PROMAT7P577201