Keyhole saw saw diameter 70 mm cutting depth 38 mm HSS-Co8 accessories not inclu5W485692
Keyhole saw saw diameter 32 mm cutting depth 20 mm carbide tipped with drill bit0R291668
Keyhole saw saw diameter 22 mm cutting depth 38 mm HSS-Co8 accessories not inclu9J063956
Keyhole saw saw diameter 29 mm cutting depth 38 mm HSS-Co8 accessories not inclu6D087895
Keyhole saw saw diameter 38 mm cutting depth 38 mm HSS-Co8 accessories not inclu5E738472
Keyhole saw saw diameter 30 mm cutting depth 38 mm HSS-Co8 accessories not inclu4W077930
Keyhole saw saw diameter 100 mm cutting depth 4 mm carbide tipped with drill bit5B996402
Keyhole saw saw diameter 54 mm cutting depth 38 mm HSS-Co8 accessories not inclu4Z871360
Hacksaw blade blade length 600 mm planing tooth for fresh wood hardened teeth PR4I290597
Metal saw frame blade L 300 mm 24 teeth/inch D- and front handle PROMAT3D072775
Hacksaw blade length 760 mm VA hardened teeth w. clamping lever PROMAT6A552068
Keyhole saw saw diameter 32 mm cutting depth 4 mm carbide tipped with drill bit5F380096
Keyhole saw saw diameter 22 mm cutting depth 20 mm carbide tipped with drill bit6H936708
Keyhole saw saw diameter 38 mm cutting depth 38 mm 4/6 combined tooth HSS-Bi-met0Q656563
Keyhole saw saw diameter 60 mm cutting depth 20 mm carbide tipped with drill bit4H594545
Keyhole saw saw diameter 46 mm cutting depth 38 mm 4/6 combined tooth HSS-Bi-met4R113080
Keyhole saw saw diameter 32 mm cutting depth 38 mm 4/6 combined tooth HSS-Bi-met2R594926
Keyhole saw saw diameter 68 mm cutting depth 38 mm 4/6 combined tooth HSS-Bi-met0R758496
Pilot bit diameter 6.35 length 110 mm long HSS PROMAT6T464550
Keyhole saw saw diameter 32 mm cutting depth 38 mm HSS-Co8 accessories not inclu8V962983