Peddinghaus Cutie scule 8004309001 8004 3-30C2390.000.030
Gedore 119 L Pin Punch Set in PVC Holder 4-10mm 6-Piece4W133296
Tool module 1500 CT1-350 8-part 1/3 module impact tool set GEDORE9Z321519
PB Swiss Punch chuck set octagonal in holder 755 Ø2-7mm 6-pieceP0257.001.755
PB Swiss Pendrive set in holder 755 Rainbow BL RB Ø2-8mm, 6 pieces in blisterP0257.004.755
PB Swiss Punch set in plastic holder 735 1.5-6mm 6-pieceP0257.001.735
Stahlwille Pin Punch Games in Textile Kit 2.5-8mm 6-Piece2E934361
Patent hole punch set 26-part plastic case PEDDINGHAUSC2390.000.050
PB Swiss Pendrive set octagonal 750.BLØ2-7mm, 6 pieces in holderP0257.001.750
PB Swiss Pendrill set octagon 750.BLØ2-7mm, 6 piece in holder in blisterP0257.002.750
PB Swiss Chisel, Center Punch and Impact Set 870 in blisterP0285.004.870
PB Swiss Breakthrough set in holder 720.H, 11 piecesP0257.000.720
Gedore 113 Drift Punch Set in PVC Holder 1-10mm 6-Piece4H222403
PB Swiss Chisel set 855.B.CN, 6 pieces in holder in blisterP0285.005.855
PB Swiss Safety Punch and Pendulum Chisel Set 715 H, 11-pieceP0257.000.715
PB Swiss Pendrive set octagon in holder 755 Ø2-7mm 6-piece, in blisterP0257.002.755
Bahco Chisel Set 3736 3736S/6 6 piecesL8433.001.770
Stahlwille Inter compartment 96838754 TCS+NR102-105-108G1700.838.754
Stahlwille Set: Drift pins, centre punches 6 pcs.G0721.001.770
Gedore Tool set 347 106 DG2816.000.347