Master Waste Bag Transparent 120L 10-PieceM7223.000.393
Master Waste Bag Polypropylene Transparent 60L 580 x 850mm 5-PieceM7223.000.394
Fabory Waste Bag 60L 12-PieceM7379.370.660
Wall-mounted cigarette bin dm 150xH145 mm graphite with tip mechanism TKG9H790949
Waste and recovered material container 60 l H590xW285xD555mm red PE GRAF0I922908
Waste bag W700xL1100mm 120 l 60 µm blue 10/bag3W215220
Side folded sack HD-PE naturally cloudy 25 µm W1300+950xL1850mm3F365778
Recyclable waste collector 87 l H762xW279xD558 mm RUBBERMAID8V621087
Waste and recovered material container 60 l H590xW285xD555mm PE yellow GRAF1R838635
Wall-mounted cigarette bin graphite H 100x dm90 mm with tip mechanism TKG1R745457
Waste bin 50 l plastic anthracite with handle SULO5G863712
Waste and recovered material container 90 l H600xW485xD510mm PE yellow GRAF4S317225
Waste bag W620xL750mm 60 l 7 µm transparent 50 pc./roll DEISS9Y730936
Waste bag W330/310xL750mm 60 l 25 µm white 10/bag7H876250
Safety wall-mounted cigarette bin dm180xH410 mm silver wall model TKG1J966509
Sand bag approx. 17–18 kg L x W 600 x 400 mm polypropylene 70 g/m²2M540540
Transport sack Big Bag L 600 mm W 600 mm H 600 mm load-bearing capacity 1000 kg3F848297
Plant sack 270 l height 75 cm dm 68 cm WINDHAGER2W136886
Panel bag panel bag load-bearing capacity 1500 kg9O275473
Transport sack Big Bag L 900 mm W 900 mm H 900 mm load-bearing capacity 1500 kg9J240495