Stahlwille 400 Drive Handle 1/4" Drive 150mmG0446.100.400
Stahlwille Ratchet Adapter 1/2" x 1/2" Square Drive Steel 67.5mmG0439.000.522
Stahlwille Ratchet 1/2" Square Drive 260mmG0440.001.770
Stahlwille Socket Wrench 11mm Chrome Plated 130mmG0951.110.001
Stahlwille 10750 Tommy Bar #8 630mm LengthG0961.000.008
Stahlwille 502.5 Drive Unit 1/2" x 1/2" Square Drive 33.5mmG0474.000.502
Stahlwille 409M/432M/514M/3 Enlarger Set for Socket Wrench Tool 1/4 to 3/4" Square DriveG0481.001.770
Stahlwille 54 Impact Inhex Socket 7mm Hex 1/2" Square Drive Gunmetal Finish 40mmG0519.070.001
Stahlwille 54 Impact Inhex Socket 12mm Hex 1/2" Square Drive Gunmetal Finish 40mmG0519.120.001
Stahlwille 54 Impact Inhex Socket 19mm Hex 1/2" Square Drive Gunmetal Finish 40mmG0519.190.001
Stahlwille 220 Ring Spanner 5.5 x 7mm Steel Chrome Plated 185mmG0263
Stahlwille 20A Wrench Set in Cardboard 1/4 to 15/16" Chrome Plated 6-PieceG0261.001.795
Stahlwille 20 Wrench Set in Cardboard 6-24mm Chrome Plated 9-PieceG0261.001.810
Stahlwille 220A Ring Spanner 7/32 x 9/32" Steel Chrome Plated 185mmG0264
Stahlwille 21 Knuckle Duster Wrench 8 x 10mm Chrome Alloy Steel 115mmG0265
Stahlwille 21 Ratchet Wrench 6 x 8mm Chrome Alloy Steel 115.5mmG0267
Stahlwille 21 Wrench Set in Cardboard 6-32mm Chrome Plated 10-PieceG0266.001.780
Stahlwille 25AN Ring Wrench 5/16 x 11/32" Steel Chrome Plated 109mmG0272
Stahlwille FastRatch 240 Ratchet Wrench 7/16" Stainless Steel 140.4mmG0273
Stahlwille 25 Ring Spanner 7 x 8mm Chrome Plated 109mmG0278