Fan-type disc dm 115 mm granulation 120 conical steel/wood normal corundum PROMA6R491418
Bench grinder disc dm150xW25x32 mm 80 shape A aluminium oxide PROMAT7Q093433
Fan-type disc dm 115 mm granulation 40 conical stain. steel zirconium corundum P9H231376
Fan-type disc Action dm 125 mm granulation 80 conical stain. steel zirconium cor0Z020155
Roughening disc Action dm125xT6mm offset bore 22.23 mm PROMAT3X762528
Bench grinder disc dm175xW25x51 mm 60 shape A normal corundum PROMAT1K171226
Cutting disc dm115x1mm straight steel bore 22.23 mm PROMAT1S345319
Fan-type disc dm 115 mm granulation 60 conical stainless steel ceramic grit CO P5G497542
Bench grinder disc dm200xW32x51 mm 80 shape A with recess 110 x 16 mm aluminium7E195034
Fan-type disc dm 125 mm granulation 60 conical stain. steel zirconium corundum P5E956364
Grinding cup A24Q 110/100 mm steel and cast steel 24 bore 22.23 mm PROMAT2V322315
Cutting disc dm 230x3 mm straight stone bore 22.23 mm PROMAT0N758278
Fan-type disc dm 125 mm granulation 80 flat stain. steel zirconium corundum PROM9Q762413
Fan-type disc dm 125 mm granulation 40 conical stain. steel zirconium corundum P1P746550
Fan-type disc dm 125 mm granulation 40 conical aluminium silicon carbide PROMAT7R455438
Fan-type disc dm 125 mm granulation 60 conical stainless steel ceramic grit CO P6S575847
Hand dresser L.220 mm 40 x 10 mm end face 180 deg PROMAT7P587736
Fan-type disc dm 125 mm granulation 120 conical stainless steel ceramic grit CO8S585279
Cutting disc dm230x3mm straight steel bore 22.23 mm PROMAT0F391123
Roughening disc dm115xT6mm offset steel bore 22.23 mm PROMAT8E267469