Promat Uncoated End Mill 12mm HSS-E 12mm Cylindrical 4-Teeth 110mm5C746732
End mill DIN 6527 K type N/HPC nominal dm 20 mm insert length 40 mm PROMAT2C328268
Milling pin WRC dm 6 mm head length 18 mm shank dm 6 mm PROMAT2U342569
Step drill set dm 4-12/4-20/4-30 mm HSS spiral-grooved 3-part plastic box PROMAT2T008207
Promat 60° Deburring Cutter 10mm Solid Carbide 10mm Cylindrical 4-Teeth 72mm0X819717
Conical sheet metal bit set 3-14 / 4-20 / 16-30.5 mm HSS-TiN 3-part plastic box5A502337
Milling pin WRC special steel dm 10 mm head length 20 mm shank dm 6 mm PROMAT5P615274
Drill groove milling cutter DIN 844 type W nominal diameter 2 mm HSS-Co8 PROMAT3M502018
Conical sheet metal bit drill. range 3-14 mm HSS-Co overall length 58 mm no. of7M711453
Promat NR Shell End Mill 50mm HSS-Co8 22mm Cylindrical 8-Teeth8B004713
Step drill drill. range 4-12 mm HSS spiral-grooved no. of cutters 2 no. of steps4M876191
Drill groove milling cutter DIN 6527 L type N nominal diameter 8 mm PROMAT8G971651
Deburring cutter nominal dm 8 mm 90 deg VHM TiAlN DIN 6535 HB PROMAT0D319813
Drill groove milling cutter DIN 6527 K type N nominal diameter 3 mm PROMAT5A124891
End mill DIN 6527 L type NF nominal diameter 16 mm PROMAT5A869516
Milling pin SPG dm 5 mm head length 12 mm shank dm 3 mm PROMAT6O134339
End mill DIN 6527 L nominal diameter 16 mm PROMAT3M224582
End mill DIN 6527 L stainless steel HPC nominal diameter 8 mm VHM TiAlN DIN 65357I270658
End mill DIN 6527 L nominal dm 8 mm insert length 25 mm PROMAT0D836875
Promat Uncoated Groove Milling Cutter 5mm HSS-E 6mm Cylindrical 3-Teeth 57mm2M981466