Covered hinge Stainless steel A4 74X4054576.074.040
Continuous hinge Stainless steel A254580
Hasp Stainless steel A2 67X2454581.071.024
Swivel hasp with lock Stainless steel A4 80X2854583.080.028
Swivel hasp Stainless steel A4 75X2854586.080.028
Hook end, polished Stainless steel A2 32,5MM54605.032.500
Hook end, polished Stainless steel A2 35MM54606.035.001
Lifting ring Stainless steel A4 75X5654602.075.056
Swivel hasp Stainless steel A454598
Coat hook polished Stainless steel A2 40X3054608.040.030
Latch Stainless steel A454596
S-hook Stainless steel A254618
S-hook Stainless steel A254619
Shock cord hook Stainless steel A254628
Door holder Stainless steel A2 29MM54632.029.001
Ball catch Stainless steel A4 9X5054633.090.050
Adjustable magnet door holder with mounting plate Stainless steel A4 51X2554637.051.025
Box handle Stainless steel A2 100X8054642.100.080
Ring Stainless steel A1/A254651
Chain Stainless steel A454701