Fabory Broom Coconut 50 cmM7371.009.055
Basic Brook Africa1C578380
Broom South Harz broom Arenga/Elaston mix length 1000 mm with metal handle holde4D670821
HACCP broom length 450 mm thickness of bristles 0.50 mm blue NÖLLE9P328072
All-purpose broom QuikFit™ plastic length 290 mm FISKARS2P211397
HACCP broom length 600 mm thickness of bristles 0.50 mm blue NÖLLE3K278551
Broom Elaston length 600 mm with metal handle holder, flat wood SOREX8B602390
Hall broom high-quality mix, length 1000 mm with metal handle holder, flat wood1Y761113
Broom set Outdoor 8 Elaston 2 Elaston/Arenga length 400/500/600 mm with 10 handl6I037312
Broom Elaston length 400 mm with metal handle holder, flat wood SOREX0Q142303
Broom Elaston length 600 mm with hole in handle, saddlewood SOREX7M870598
Broom South Harz broom Arenga/Elaston mix length 600 mm with metal handle holder5T058989
Street broom QuikFit™ plastic length 380 mm FISKARS2W064126
Broom Arenga length 600 mm with metal handle holder, flat wood SOREX4Y415240
HACCP broom length 450 mm thickness of bristles 0.50 mm white NÖLLE4M946723
Street broom Elaston length 400 mm with handle hole, flat wood extra strong7R566885
Broom Elaston length 500 mm with hole in handle, saddlewood SOREX3E533793
HACCP broom length 300 mm thickness of bristles 0.25 mm red NÖLLE6W196474
Hall broom high-quality mix, length 400 mm with handle hole, saddlewood SOREX4G383237
Street broom Bauernlob Elaston length 400 mm with handle hole, saddlewood SOREX7G348681