Bosch GFZ 16-35 AC Saw 1.6kW 2500SPM 50mmB4515.000.005
Milwaukee M18 FCHSC-0 Chain Saw 300mm1W208126
3M Fire equipment M7M570386
3M Fire equipment Red 1,4 inch x 11 inch1F739784
Bosch Lithium-Ion Battery Pack 2Ah 36V0S336914
Circular and sector sprinkler V80 dm 26 m G1/2 inch ET brass GEKA9K584723
Circular and sector sprinkler V60 dm 32 m G3/4 inch ET brass GEKA4V079392
Circle and sector sprinkler V80S dm 26 m G3/4 inch ET brass with pointed tips GEKA8Y355385
Circle and sector sprinkler V60S dm 32 m G3/4 inch ET brass with pointed tips GEKA8F053537
Tripod 2xG3/4 inch ET galvanised steel with pointed tips GEKA2Q495648
Tripod 2xG3/4 inch ET galvanised steel with flat bases GEKA7E169468
Sprinkler trolley 2xG1 inch ET galvanised steel GEKA1C253578
Spray gun Jet-Spray 2675 coupling system HOZELOCK1J814944
Watering computer number of stations 1 digital GEKA6M688498
Watering device Easy Rain light metal/brass/plastic coupling system 20 cm GEKA7P023053
Watering device Easy Rain light metal/brass/plastic coupling system 60 cm GEKA5K159285
Karasto Watering Device Aluminum/Brass/Plastic 600mm Length3I116114
Gas hose length 1.8 m internal dm 6.3 mm wall thickness 3 mm black4S446776
Propane hose 5x6.3 mm G3/8 inch LH x G3/8 inch LH high-press. length 5 m SIEVERT6P986032
Propane hose 5xmm G3/8 inch LH x G3/8 inch LH high-press. length 10 m SIEVERT9N553385